What makes a good read?

Isn’t that exactly what you want to know as you flick through titles on your phone, or run your finger along the spines of books on the library shelf. If it was just as simple as saying, abc. But it isn’t. And there are plenty of snobs out there who will tell you, that good …

Creativity emerging part 2—Baby talk

I have a memory—which is, after all, only imagination labelled real—of being less than six weeks old. It came to me many years ago in the cradling that is approaching sleep, when we let go the reins of the world and sink into the hidden spaces. Awareness is a soft haze of colours. The darker …

Creativity emerging—part 1

Do you write longhand or on a computer? Or. Do you write in the morning or at night? What is it that the questioner hopes to understand from these questions that I have heard a million times at writer’s festivals and author talks? I groan internally—in fact next time I think I’ll make it audible—at …